luni, 2 februarie 2009
Muzica Recomandata

Eu personal recomand in serile mai deosebite sa se asculte urmatorii Dj romani/internationali:
SVEN VATH - Mind games (Tobi Neumann Remix)
Valentino Kanzyani @ Zentra, Chicago, 2007
Ombladon - Trei agenti feat. Cheloo, Freakadadisk
Film recomandat : Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

In aceeasi dimineata in care Harold si Kumar mananca la Castelul Alb, primul afla ca Maria, fata pe care o iubeste, a plecat spre Amsterdam. Cei doi se decid sa o urmareasca pentru ca Harold sa-si marturiseasca dragostea.
Insa lucrurile nu merg conform planului, un pasager al avionului in care calatoreste perechea confundandu-l pe Kumar cu un terorist. In acest moment avionul is modifica ruta iar cei doi sunt prinsi intr-un caz de confundare de identitate.
Film recomandat : How High
For everyone who doesn't like movies about weed,stop reading this is not your movie. Some non pod smokers will think the movie is OK. But this is the 'CULT' movie of smoking weed. From the 1st scene till the last scene,this movie does not stop. There are none not funny scenes to built up the story. You could see is as one funny sketch after the other. The story basically is a guy Silas, who grows weed,and one day his friend dies. He puts his ash in his next plant,that he names after him(The Ivory,still want to smoke that one day). He meets another pod head at THC's(test for higher learning) and with the help of Ivory they get the highest score. And they choose the Ivy League atmosphere of Harvard. They turn Harvard up side down. You have to smoke one before you watch this movie,it's still funny if you don't,but its meant to be seen stoned!!!! I've seen this movie about 20 times,and I'm from the country where the realest smokers be(Holland) and we all dig this movie,you HEARD,this is the smokers bible!!!! What are you doing get some grass and watch this movie!!!
duminică, 1 februarie 2009
Film recomandat : Pineapple Express

Doi prieteni la catarama, Dale si Saul, mari amatori de marijuana, dau de belea atunci cand sunt implicati fara sa vrea intr-un conflict cu niste traficanti de droguri. Mai mult, cei doi trebuie sa fuga si de politie, pentru ca unul dintre ei a fost martorul unui asasinat pus la cale chiar de un politist. Singuri impotriva tuturor, Dale si Saul profita de imprejurari pentru a lua cateva decizii care le vor schimba viitorul. Se pare ca pana la urma o liota de traficanti si batalioane de politisti care ar da orice sa te impuste sunt un motiv suficient pentru a deveni mai responsabil...
Trailer Here!
sâmbătă, 31 ianuarie 2009
What Is Cosplay...?

Cosplay este o subcultura sau hobby de a te imbraca,ca personajele din manga,anime sau jocurile video.
Aceasta subcultura a pornit din Japonia si s-a exstin in toata lumea intr-un timp foarte scurt avand un succes incredibil si a acaparat o mare masa de populatie.
Cosplayerii se intalnesc in fiecare an la un concurs avand ca scop desemnarea castigatorilor la diferite probe acestea implicand animeul favorit al fiecarui personaj/grup.
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